La Residenza sul Mera


The building dates back to the second half of the 19th century and was initially used as the production site of the Cotonificio Amman cotton mill, then became the headquarters of the renowned Birrificio Spluga brewery in Chiavenna and had been shut down since the 1990s.

Redevelopment work on the site began in 2010 with the renovation of the main building and the demolition of outbuildings of no architectural value.

After four years of construction work, it is now possible to live in the heart of Chiavenna in elegant apartments that are state-of-the-art in terms of energy efficiency and living comfort.

The upgrading work also included the conservative restoration of a section of the Canale della Molinanca embankment, which bears witness to Chiavenna’s former industrial vocation and the building itself.

As part of the urban redevelopment of the area adjacent to the canal, a square was created along Via Poiatengo where the Fontana del Viandante (Fountain of the Wayfarer) designed by architect Luigi Caccia Dominioni was installed.

Thanks to the technologies employed, the La Residenza sul Mera was assigned a global A class certification. The construction designed to allow extraordinary energy savings is provided with excellent insulation and uses energy from renewable sources with water-to-water heat pumps that deploy the energy contained in the groundwater taken from the subsoil and returned to the nearby Mera River.

Before and after

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